Week 8

Note1: Object Oriented Programming is a difficult but powerful concept, please take your time to revise the topic!

Note 2: If you want to install packages in the environment we set up during the course, you can do so by running %pip installpackage_name (notice the %-sign!) e.g. %pip install PrettyTable in one of your notebook cells after you selected the environment. This is only needed once, after that it can always be reimported with import. If it doesn't work (e.g. in Colab, try !pip installpackage_name with ! instead of %)

To-Do (Until 17/12/2024)


  • Do days 16 and 17 of the course

  • Get started with group project (see information on page Final Project)

Totally Optional:

  • Watch lecture 8 of the Havard Python Course:

Object Oriented Programming is not an easy concept. The video is almost three hours long!

For the best learning experience, it's recommended to watch the lecture twice: first for a quick overview, and then more slowly while taking notes. Please ensure you allocate sufficient time for this.

Always first create a copy with "Copy to Drive" or download the notebooks to work locally on them. Otherwise your progress won't be saved.

Last updated