Frequently Asked Questions

Are the courses in English or German?

The following two courses are in German:

  • Einführung in Data Science und maschinelles Lernen

  • Maschinelles Lernen für die Medizin

All other courses are in English.

Can I enroll in multiple courses at the same time?

Yes, the courses are not overlapping. Feel free to choose all courses you like. Be aware that to complete each course, you have to do a project for each course.

Should I enroll in multiple courses at the same time?

We will be glad to have you with us during the whole week if you have time! However, with our offer growing bigger, here there is a suggestion: please try to take into account the time effort that each course will take (~5 hours per week per course) and select the courses which fits your schedule in the current semester instead of just applying for all the courses. If you are not sure about which one to apply to, contact us or come to the Info Event about the Machine Learning Degree. If courses are sequential, it is usually good practice to take them one semester after the other, not both of them at the same time.

How do I know if I can get ECTS?

Ask your professors/Prüfungsamt before the courses start and clarify with them whether the course will be recognised or not. At the CAU Kiel the courses are accepted as "Wahlpflichtmodule" via the "Zentrum für Schlüsselqualifikationen". At the FH Kiel and the Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel the courses are accepted in many study programs as well. However, each faculty and department has their own rules. So please, check with your local institution.

When will I get the ECTS?

Once you completed a course and fulfilled the requirements, you will get a certificate from us. This takes up to 4 weeks after the course completion. After you get a certificate from us, you can use this to get the ECTS (for CAU Student this is an automated process). In order to see the ECTS in your profile, it will take some additional time, usually around 2 to 4 weeks more.

Are all courses giving ECTS?

Yes, for all courses offered at the moment, it is possible to receive ECTS. However, the number of ECTS granted varies between 2.5 ECTS and 5 ECTS. Please, check the individual course descriptions for the respective ECTS.

Do I get a grade for my ECTS?

We do not give grades for any of the courses on opencampus.sh. You can only pass or fail the requirements of the course to receive ECTS.

Which platform will we use during the courses?

We use: - the edu.opencampus.sh Website. You need to have an account there to register for the courses. - the chat.mattermost.sh Mattermost Chat tool. You need to have an account there to communicate and see the material. You can use an app if you prefer to check it on your phone or on your computer. Otherwise it works fine in the browser. - the Zoom tool for online conference. You do not need an account, you can join from your browser. You can also download an app on your pc/computer - most of the courses (the one which are valid 5 ECTS) use contents from the Coursera platform. You need an account there to see the contents.

Can I use one account for all the platforms?

Unfortunately, not yet. We are working on this. For the moment, please create an account on all the platform you need. Using the same e-mail adress is probably the best option also for us to be sure to be able to help you quickly in case of any trouble.

The content on Coursera is behind a paywall, how do I get access?

All students which needs to get access to the Coursera contents because of their course will receive an invitation to the Opencampu.sh Unlimited program on Coursera, which will allow you to get access to all courses on the Coursera plaftorm for free. You will be invited via mail and you need to confirm. Please check the spam. In case you used a different e-mail account on Coursera, contact your course teacher and you will be added manually.

Last updated

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