Startup & Elevator Pitch
You have already taken the most important steps: You have identified problems with the help of potential users, built an initial product with little effort and also tested it on real users. Keep up the good work! You are on exactly the right track. 💪
Task 1: Incorporate the previous user feedback into your MVP and present your improved MVP to at least 2 people/companies and get feedback.
Now you need to maintain this customer-oriented product development and continuously improve your performance. This won't happen in a few days or 1-2 weeks, but is a long process in which you will always make progress on your own start-up path.
Task 2: Read "YC's Essential Startup Advice":
One topic that you will come across time and again in the start-up scene is "pitching". A pitch is the presentation of your idea to supporters, investors or potential customers, who you want to convince of your idea in a 1-5 minute presentation. Whether with PowerPoint slides on site or, for example, as a text in an email or in a casual personal conversation.
The pitches vary slightly depending on the time and occasion, but the basic process is very simple and always the same: problem, solution, call to action.
You start by explaining what the problem is and who has this problem. Just at the moment when everyone has understood the problem and is wondering how it can be solved, you present your solution. The conclusion is the call to action: your appeal to the audience. Why have you told them this and what do you want from them: Should they buy your product? Invest in your idea? Sign up for your newsletter. Now is the time to do so.
Task 3: Develop a general "1-minute pitch / Elevator pitch" to present your startup to all interested parties and write it down. 1 minute is an enormously short time to pick up someone who has never heard of your idea. Find good, concrete formulations for your problem and your solution. Also answer the following questions in your pitch: Who is your target group? How do you earn money? Write the pitch down, keep improving the wording and practise it several times.
Tasks for this chapter 💪
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